Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Be my valentine, not!

Sitting at my house while everyone is sleeping has me thinking about an event coming up in twelve days.  Valentines day is coming up soon, or also known as the day all the card and candy companies make all their money. In my own perspective, as a single girl, the whole holiday is a tad bit ridiculous. They give us one day out of the year to show how much we "love" our significant other. Yes it's oh so romantic whenever you have a boyfriend, but when there is a lack in that department, the day is just a day to remind you of the relationship you don't have or need. 

What I'm trying to say is, I dont necessarily hate valentines by any means (hate is a strong word), Im too young to really have had experienced a nice valentines night with the "guy of my dreams". Ha ha. But it shouldn't take one day to make you stop and think about the people you love in your life. Shouldn't sweet things happen randomly? Doesn't that make them evens sweeter? I dont know, its food for thought. 

BUT if you are one of the many that do celebrate here's a tip: Dont go with the roses and the cheesy red teddy bear that says "I love you". Guys if your going to make your girl happy, get her favorite flower, not a cheesy typical rose. And as for a gift, make it from the heart. I promise if she has worth, she will LOVE a gift that has thought into it. I'm sure she'd love it either way, but the latter shows you put a more thought into it ;-).

As a young girl about to really start this thing called life, I've decided to wait. For the lack of good guys in the Houston area, though not all are bad (Sorry Aaron :D) Im just waiting. Because as I get older, things will change, and maybe my opinion of this wretched holiday will as well. Who knows? Maybe something could happen between now and the 14th that could change my opinion of it anyways. I wont know though until it happens. Until then, I'll be ranting :).

Meagan <3

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