Monday, March 28, 2011

Could graduation come any sooner? I wish.

People seem to always say going through high school isn't living in the real world. Well if it isn't the real world, it must be somewhere in between because it sure as heck isn't a fantasy world. It's harder than given credit for, and granted, I know college will be a million times harder. But still, the STUPID drama, and the unneeded pressure... it's ridiculous. I don't go to school everyday to hear from teachers how much I suck blah blah blah. The thing is... I KNOW who I am. Those who like to cut me down, it does nothing. I know what I've put into my high school years, and I know I've dedicated my heart and my time. I cannot control what other's do, or what they DON'T do. I just feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and graduation just seems way too far away. I just cant wait to the day where the drama ceases, but then again, it might not ever. I HATE pointless conversations and can't stand people who live to get rises out of others and stir up trouble. I just wish someone could come up and say "hey, all this crap will disappear when you go to college." Unfortunately though, life isn't that simple. 

Anyways... besides stupid things, life is pretty darn good. And march, has been an amazing month! Yes I've got the boyfriend still, gasp! It's only been a month, but a pretty darn entertaining and fun filled month. From pillow fights to trips to Kemah, its been non stop fun! He's pretty awesome, so be jealous :-P. And as for FFA... honestly I'm just ready to give my retiring address and leave it in the past. I love FFA, but I feel like it's just something that I need to leave in the past.

I see college as new beginnings. New friendships, new home. New everything, except for me. I'll always be me, no matter where I am. A&M is huge, and thats just what I need. Somewhere where I'm not put on spot or singled out. I just want... to start over. My senior year is ending on a sour note in a few areas, but what can I do? Nothing, so I'm just going to let it roll off my shoulder and think about the possibilities of my future. I think that's what gives us all a little push to keep going, knowing that eventually, it'll all be alright. While writing this I came upon this quote and it seemed to answer all my unspoken questions and worries...

Ask yourself this question:
"Will this matter a year from now?"
Richard Carlson, writing in Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

 Until next time... Gig em'!

Meagan <3

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